We had an oopsie dasy

Help me, help you!


So you might have noticed a few hiccups in the past month or so with the newsletter. The short story is, I managed to create an error in my new Newsletter platform that the development team had never seen before, which caused several processes to not work, removing a bunch of people from the newsletter…


The customer service team ALSO had a two week window where their ticket system was down, so I had no way to contact them for help.


Any who, we finally got it fixed. The only downside is, you are currently in this “in between” group… Meaning, I’m asking you to do one of two things for me.

If you want to keep the Gray Matter Lifting newsletter running, just go ahead and click this button… it will keep you on the list, and you can check out the couple of newsletters that have been published that you might have missed!

If you want to call it quits, no issues. I get it… Simply hit that unsubscribe button for me (which you might have done before, sorry for the duplicate work).

Thanks so much for your patience. If you are on the Garage Gym Competition Newsletter, there is a good chance you’ll get one of these from that side too.

FYI - if you do NOTHING, I’ll take the hint and work some magic in the background.