Four machines enter, one machine remains

Hot diggity damn… Last week by the skin of my teeth, I was able to launch the Nordic Combo Showdown video in the month of August to wrap up Nordic Month!

Alongside that I wrote 3 reviews to pair with the video. August was also a month that included me coaching both my daughters Soccer and Basketball teams (they overlap in August), her going back to school, and it made for a wild month.

But I made it! I was a little off schedule, but I made it. And I think this video is worth it. So check it out above, or at the button link right here.

Additional Details

I mentioned multiple other reviews… if you want to check them out, here they are.

These are also linked in the video description. The Freak Athlete review is the same as the previous one (more on that at the end of the Newsletter).

Garage Gym Competition

Last week I announced that I will be hosting another GGC meet at my house for the Fall.

If you are in the Northern California area and want to come bye… you can lift, spectate, help with stuff, or just eat our food… Let me know.


I LOVE me a good refurb. In fact the header image on my website and YouTube, are throw backs to my refurb days.

My very first article was about used equipment, and the first notoriety I gained in the home gym community was with my plate refurbs. Actually my most watched video is STILL my olympic weight plate video.

Check out this great clean up.

Discount Codes

Looking to grab something for your home gym? These links and codes help support what I do, and save you some money!

One Last Thing…

As I was finishing the Nordic Combo Showdown, Freak Athlete sent me the new Hyper Pro and all the fixings.

I’ve got the new GHD pad, Leg Developer, Upper Body Kit… everything.

I’ve put together the beginning of a write up, as I added it to the Review Pipeline.

A couple notes.

Freak Athlete has cancelled all discount codes moving forward. This is in an effort to keep the prices as low as possible WITHOUT the need for a code (most people were using one).

Affiliate Links are still active, so this is the best way to support your favorite content creator. Use their link before buying anything.

I was on a deload last week, and began my first strength block towards the Fall GGC using JuggernautAI. The cool thing here is I am able to customize a LOT of the exercise selections, so I have just about every single thing you could test and try on the Hyper Pro, programmed for the month of September.

Current plan is to drop a review somewhere around the end of September, depending on how comfortable I feel with testing at that time.

In the meantime, you can check all the pictures and details below.

One more extra duper super thing…

Sorry, I normally cut it off at the above, but got another new piece in this week. The new BootySprout Pro arrived, and I was able to snap some pics and get some details together to put it into the Review Pipeline.

The original BootySprout review is one of the most read write ups on the sight, and this time around I’m going to handle a YouTube Video as well as write up. I’m excited because they have also told me that more is on the way. So keep an eye out.

That is it… I promise.